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0:00 / 09:14
Lexi Spade's Femout Debut Lexi Spade's Femout Debut Lexi Spade's Femout Debut Lexi Spade's Femout Debut

Lexi Spade's Femout Debut

Featuring - Lexi Spade
Added - August 26, 2015

LEXI SPADE is a naughty Florida blonde with a real filthy streak. A true party girl who loves to dance and perform - especially on webcam for her many drooling fans! A submissive little minx who loves to be used and abused, she tells us she would love to become a huge porn star and one of her biggest fantasies is to be filmed in a red hot gangbang scene - guess we'll have to see what we can arrange Lexi ;)

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