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Valentina Mia
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Valentina Mia

Texas Sweetheart and multi-racial Goddess, Valentina Mia is the epitome of grace and charm, but let her body do the talking. Standing in at 5'5" and 115lbs, Valentina is "fun-sized", but don't let her petite physique fool you; her uncut glory stand true to the adage: "everything's bigger in Texas".

110% versatile and switch. Loves to dominate and be dominated. Her submissive slaves are loyal and can attest to the power of her gaze. Her "Valentines", call her Valentina Mia to demonstrate loyalty and mutual respect. Respect her, and you will be showered by her sensual glory. Trust, after you get a taste her passion or sink your tongue deep inside her tight, smooth hole, you won't be able to resist calling her "Mia" and becoming a devoted follower of Valentina's cult.

  • Location: Texas, USA
  • Birthday: 13th November

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111 Photos | 16:52

Encore Miss Mia!

LOOKING RAVISHING in red for her official second outing, sexy Texan Valentina Mia is back with a bang to get our biceps bumping in this thrilling solo from Omar Wax. A versatile vixen who just loves sex in all forms, Valentina has aspirations of making it big in the AV biz and she is certainly going about it the right way with this killer intro sets - right here on Femout xxx!

6th Jul 2016

  • User Rating 4.70
104 Photos | 13:29

Femout Introduces Valentina Mia....

Texas Sweetheart and multi-racial Goddess, Valentina Mia is the epitome of grace and charm, but let her body do the talking. Standing in at 5'5" and 115lbs, Valentina is "fun-sized", but don't let her petite physique fool you; her uncut glory stand true to the adage: "everything's bigger in Texas". 110% versatile and switch. Loves to dominate and be dominated. Her submissive slaves are loyal and...

4th Jun 2016

  • User Rating 4.64

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